These people were apprehended on August 9, 2022, in a search proceeding, in coordination with the National Police and the Judicial Investigation Directorate, in Viejo Veranillo.
The Judge of Guarantees, Oris Medina, decreed house arrest and periodic report once a week to two residents of Viejo Veranillo, 20 and 23 years old, for aggravated robbery and aggravated damage, as primary accomplices, to the detriment of a patrol of the National Police.
Lawyer Rois Alberto Navarro stressed that the Prosecutor’s Office alleged that those involved had their faces covered, which the defender took advantage of to argue that it was then impossible to involve his clients against whom the investigating officer requested provisional arrest.
These people were apprehended on August 9, 2022, in a search proceeding, in coordination with the National Police and the Judicial Investigation Directorate, in Viejo Veranillo.
The events occurred on July 11, 2022, during protests that were staged in the vicinity of the University of Panama, on the Transístmica highway, when two uniformed officers were robbed of a vehicle owned by the National Police.