The Comptroller’s Office detected an economic damage of 57,244 soles due to the expiration of 2,324 bags of cement destined for the work “Improvement of the Chitoma – Calleraco canal in the Totora – Candarave town center” that was carried out by the Tacna Special Project (PET).
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The specific control report found civil responsibility in Arnold Berrios Flores, Walter Condori Llanos, Roger Fernández Cueva, Benjamín Limachi Condori, Fermín Garnica Tello, Carlos Apaza Poma, Mabel Arias Alfaro and Carlos Arteta Valderrama, PET officials and servers.
They did not have a warehouse.
The report of the Institutional Control Body indicates that 11,004 bags of cement were purchased at S/ 265,775 in August 2019 and they were placed in inadequate environments as there was no camp with a warehouse.
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The construction of the aforementioned camp was approved for S/ 117,159, but the work was not implemented, having to expose the cement bags to the sun, covered by plastic.
They had 60 days to use it
The report states that they had to be used within a period of 60 days and remained stored for 165 days without the control of the Consorcio Quality supervisor, which allowed the deterioration of 1,755 bags of cement type IP and 569 type HP.