This Tuesday, August 24, at 6:00 p.m., a rally was held at the Obelisk and then the march to where the Filter hospital was located in 1994. Norma Morroni, brigadistas from Askapena and convening organizations spoke.
“28 years have passed and the crimes remain unpunished. The material and intellectual perpetrators continue unpunished”, indicated the organizers.
The filter facts
On August 24, 1994, thousands of demonstrators gathered around the then Filter Hospital, where Basque citizens Mikel Ibáñez, Luis Mari Lizarralde and Josu Goitía, who were on a hunger strike, were hospitalized.
The Uruguayan justice, at the request of the Spanish, had issued an extradition order for the three Basque citizens accused of belonging to the ETA organization.
The rally, called by sectors of the left, was in rejection of the extradition of Basque citizens.
The violent events broke out at a time when the security forces were preparing to transfer the three Basque citizens to the Carrasco airport, where a plane was waiting to return them to Spain.
After the strong police operation – ordered by the then Minister of the Interior, Ángel María Gianola, (who died on March 31, 2022, at the age of 95) the death of the young Fernando Morroni and Roberto Facal occurred.