Cesar Arellano Garcia
Newspaper La Jornada
Thursday December 22, 2022, p. 8
A federal judge dismissed the request for amparo promoted by the coordinator of the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) deputies, Jorge Álvarez Maynez, on December 1 to challenge the reform of the fifth transitory article or 29 of the Constitution, which extends to 2028 the term for that the Executive have the armed forces in tasks of public security through the National Guard. However, the judge did not publish the details of the sentence that explain the reasons why he rejected the appeal.
This resolution can be challenged before a collegiate court to determine whether it confirms, modifies or revokes the first instance ruling. The agreement published in the halls of the Federal Judicial Council indicates that according to MC, the reform is unconstitutional, since the transitory ones cannot be modified independently, since their logic is to define how the modifications to provisions of the Constitution.