The staff of the Regional Department No. 3 based in Encarnación, in coordination with the prosecutor Enrique Forneronmoved to a wooded area located within the Reserve Saint Raphaelin the vicinity of the Colonia Arroyo Claroafter analyzing information about the possible presence of drug trafficking structures in the area.
In this way, they found two narco camps and five hectares of marijuana crops. Also, they found 620 kilos of ready drug and 40 kilos of seeds. The entourage proceeded to destroy the detected plantations. It is estimated that in total they were taken out of circulation 15.6 tons of marijuana.
Loss of profit generated by these actions is around 500 thousand US dollars, based on the cost of the drug in national territory. The data collected by the parties suggest that the annulled drug would be destined for drug trafficking organizations based in Argentina.
Also read: More than 50,000 kilos of merchandise seized in the first quarter of 2023
The entrance They destroy 15 tons of drugs in the San Rafael reserve was first published on newspaper TODAY.