Edward Murillo
Newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, February 8, 2022, p. 8
A federal judge denied an amparo to Lieutenant Colonel Wenceslao Cárdenas Acuña, co-accused along with General Eduardo León Trauwitz for allegedly allowing the theft of fuel from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
He is a close collaborator of Trauwitz in the Strategic Safeguarding Subdirectorate of Pemex and who was even his successor when the general left the position in the parastatal.
There are arrest warrants against Cárdenas Acuña since 2019 for organized crime and illicit theft of hydrocarbons; however, until now it had prevented them from materializing through various legal resources.
Finally, Yasmín Eréndira Ruiz, head of the sixteenth district court in criminal matters, rejected a new amparo filed against the arrest warrant authorized on May 13 of last year by the control judge of the Criminal Justice Center in Almoloya de Juárez, state from Mexico.
The investigation folder judicialized by the Attorney General’s Office, on which the arrest warrant is based, indicates that Cárdenas Acuña falsified the data of his reports to hide the fuel theft.
His malicious act is evident, since it is evident that if a person, with the rank he had (specialist coordinator) only reported 25 clandestine outlets of the 206 found, he did not act due to carelessness or negligence, but rather with the firm intention of not reporting it; given that he was a person who had worked at Pemex since at least 2013 and the position conferred, although it was recent, does not lead to determining that he was totally unrelated
points out the error.
He adds that Cárdenas Acuña was one of those directly responsible for the fact that the clandestine taps discovered by Pemex personnel were not sealed according to technical protocols, but rather by hand, which allowed the thieves to easily reactivate them.
León Trauwitz, identified as the main person responsible for these events, was arrested in Canada last year and faces a process to be extradited.