The complaint for alleged workplace harassment, discrimination and mistreatment was filed by an official who fears for her life due to the threats she received, for which she decided to leave the country.
The current Itaipu director of social responsibility, Gerardo Soria, was denounced for alleged workplace harassment since he discriminated, mistreated and denigrated the official in her workplace, who for security reasons, asked that her identity be protected.
In her complaint, the affected party explained that, since Soria took office, carried out several actions against him, such as removing all the equipment from her office and putting her on notice that she no longer attends her workplace through third parties.
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Likewise, it indicated that the director incorporated several officials, with the condition that get votes for the Wiens-Brunetti badge of the Republican Force movementwhile those who do not do so will not have per diem or office privileges.
the complainant fears for his life as a result of the notorious violence with which Gerardo Soria acts, which forced her to leave the country due to the threats she has received. The other workers are also in a low situation, since if they do not support the aforementioned sheet, they are threatened with being removed from their posts.
In this context, all the complaints filed by the woman were treated under strict internal secrecy at Itaipu, in order to avoid leaking the news.
In this regard, Francisco Coronel, a defender assigned by the Superintendency of Defense, maintained that the administrative investigation is ongoing and is already in the hands of the Legal advice and there is up to 60 days to know the opinion on this procedure.
In this context, it indicated that the complainant is aware of the process being followed.
“If the veracity of the complaint against the director of social responsibility is confirmed, will be subject to sanctionsthere are even similar antecedents that ended with the contract suspension”, he indicated in a conversation with La Nación/NaciónMedia, assuring that in the current instances in which the case is found, nothing can be assured.
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History of Soria
It is not the first time that Gerardo Soria’s assignment to the binational has been questioned, since apparently he was placed in the position by the Executive as a strategy to persecute the supporters of the Honor Colorado movement.
Gerardo Soria is also known for his background as a politician, where he is preceded by several complaints about his Violent actions towards people in their charge; however, he is currently a candidate for the presidency of Section No. 107 of the District of Antequera for the Republican Force movement.