After a judicial judgment, the Ministry of Housing and Buildings (MIVED) executed the demolition of the Albania Rodríguez buildinglocated in the sector Herrera coffeeSanto Domingo Oeste municipality, because its irregular construction It represented a danger to the lives of citizens.
The decision was made after receiving multiple complaints from nearby residents and evaluating technical reports from specialized entities, which confirmed that due to its structure, the building presented a high risk of collapse.
Given this situation, the MIVed filed a Amparo action before the competent court to safeguard the constitutional right to the life and security of citizens.
After analyzing the tests, including the reports of the National Office of Seismic Evaluation and Vulnerability of Infrastructure and Buildings (Uonesvie) and the Dominican College of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors (Codia), The Court issued Judgment No. 551-2024-SSEN-00540, ordering the immediate demolition of the property.
The Minister of Housing and Buildings, Carlos Bonillahe said: «For the well -being and safety of all, we proceed with the demolition of this building. Illegal constructions represent a serious risk to citizens and will not be tolerated. ”
Measures adopted by the MIVED
In compliance with the sentence, the MIVED carried out the Temporary relocation of nearby residentsguaranteeing its safe transfer while the demolition work was executed.
The process was carried out under strict Technical protocols To minimize risks and protect the environment, with the supervision of experts from the Ministry, the College of Engineers and other specialized entities. Each stage was monitored to ensure compliance with the standards of security established.
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The MIVED reiterated its commitment to the security of citizenship and compliance with urban regulations, highlighting that this action responds to the need to prevent tragedies and protect the lives of residents in the area.
The demolition of the building also responds to complaints released in various media about the deterioration and danger of the structure.