Through a letter, the Congress for the Nicaraguan Unity for the Restoration of Democratic Order (CUNROD), made up of 28 Opposition Organizations, called on the Organization of American States (OAS) to convene an extraordinary session to apply the Corresponding articles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (CDI).
The letter, dated April 27, and addressed to the president of the regional organization, Ambassador Elizabeth Darius-Clarke, recalls that the Ortega and Murillo regime continues to increase repression, canceling the legal status of civil society organizations, confiscating their facilities, “arbitrarily imprisoning and unfairly and illegally prosecuting Nicaraguan citizens…”
Related news: Ortega demands that the OAS vacate the expropriated building “immediately”
They also point out that the OAS itself was the victim of expropriation of its offices in Managua. “In an atrocious manner, typical of this regime, this past April 24, the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship decided to expel the Organization of American States (OAS) itself from our country, looting its office and seizing its files and any existing material. ».
They warn that Ortega is failing to comply with Article 133 of the OAS Charter, which establishes that the Organization of American States enjoys in the territory of each of its members the legal capacity, privileges, and immunities that are necessary for the exercise of its functions; “a clear violation of the Vienna Convention and international law.”
On the other hand, they point out the illegitimacy of the Nicaraguan government, which is back in power after elections considered by the opposition and by the international community as “a farce.”
Related news: Unab suggests to the OAS to convene a meeting of foreign ministers and apply the Democratic Charter to Nicaragua
“We point out once again the electoral farce that the regime orchestrated on November 7, 2021 and that the Nicaraguan people decisively rejected that pantomime with more than 80% electoral abstention and where the OAS itself declared on the 12th of the same month, that the Elections were not free, fair, or transparent and lack democratic legitimacy.
They demand freedom of political prisoners
As for the more than 170 political prisoners, they denounce the “inhuman conditions” in which they are found and also assure that they are subjected to physical and psychological torture, daily interrogations, minimal access to the sun, inadequate food, isolation, few family visits and inappropriate medical care among other atrocities.”
Finally, they demand the application of all available diplomatic and economic pressure to achieve the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.
The demand of the opposition blocs in Nicaragua comes after the regime intensified its repression and this time with the Organization of American States (OAS), expropriating its offices; action that is condemned by all member countries, pointing it out as arbitrary and illegal.
This morning, the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega demanded that the administrative officers of the OAS headquarters in Managua vacate “immediately” the building where the offices of the regional organization were located, which was expropriated through Administrative Agreement No. 10-2022 of the Attorney General’s Office.