Home South AmericaVenezuela They demand justice for a young woman raped and murdered by eight subjects

They demand justice for a young woman raped and murdered by eight subjects

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Procedure of the DEM in National Cartography caused alarm

Relatives of Yusleidy Zulimar Salcedo Paredes (17), raped by eight subjects and then strangled to death, demand justice because the criminal process has been going on for six years without a final sentence being handed down against the defendants.

The event occurred on August 28, 2016 in Pueblo Llano (Mérida), when the girl was abused and strangled. The eight defendants made it clear for three years that the young woman had committed suicide. But it was three years after the event occurred that the Cicpc specified that what happened was a rape and femicide.

These details were referred by Subleidy Josefina Salcedo Paredes, mother of the victim and her grandmother Samuel de Jesús Salcedo Santiago through a public letter.

Two of the eight detainees were dismissed in the Barinas Violence Against Women Circuit and the relatives of the murdered woman fear that the remaining six will also benefit. Of 50 trial hearings scheduled in 2022, only 20 were held, the relatives pointed out.

“It seems that no one could avoid arbitrariness and flagrant procedural violations,” the relatives say in the letter.

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