artefactos explosivos

They deactivated explosive devices and located sacks of “shrapnel gunpowder” in Apure

explosive devices

On Monday, Venezuelan authorities deactivated explosive devices placed by alleged Colombian terrorist groups in the western state of Apure, bordering the Andean country, said the operational strategic commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez.

The military official also reported that sacks of “shrapnel gunpowder” were found on the main road of the Páez municipality, in Apure.

“Radical evil without limits. FANB locates and disables new tancol improvised explosive devices along with bags of gunpowder and shrapnel planted on the main road in the municipality of Páez (Apure), capable of crippling, mutilating and even killing human beings and animals,” the official wrote in Twitter.

“Tancol” is an acronym invented by the Venezuelan government that does not refer to any specific gang and with which officials refer to “Colombian armed terrorist drug traffickers.”

Last Friday, Hernández indicated that the Venezuelan authorities deactivated a dozen explosive devices in Apure and that they attributed them to the same irregular groups.

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