The Public Accountant and Master in Public Finance and Tax Administration Gustavo Viñales came out at the crossroads of statements by the Minister of Labor and Social Security Pablo Mieres who defended the announcement of the reduction of the IRPF and the IASS.
From Twitter, the Minister of Labor pointed out, in the face of criticism from the Broad Front “There is nothing that suits them. When the @Frente_Amplio governed, they did not stop raising taxes on the middle sectors. It must be remembered that personal income tax does not tax the richest, it taxes the wage earners and they invented it. And, in addition, employer contributions fell. Unusual, right?”
In a twitter thread published in the last hours, Gustavo Viñales published a tweet where he highlighted the benefits imposed by the Tax Reform promoted by the first government of the Broad Front and responded to the minister “The tax reform eliminated many taxes, VAT was reduced like never before, and taxes with greater equity in the system, IRPF and IASS, were created. All income, wages, fees and capital are taxed. Before only salaries. @Pablo_Mieres Oops, it deserves a debate with foundations!”
Viñales is a Public Accountant, has a Master’s Degree in Public Finance and Tax Administration and is a Master’s professor at UdelaR. He is a member of the CINVE Fiscal and Tax Laboratory “To say, furthermore, that personal income tax was invented in Uy by “them” is really not understanding how tax systems work in most countries of the world. In Uy, IRPF already existed in the 1960s under the white government, in the world it has existed for +100 years!!.” he pointed out.