The instance, agreed upon between both commands and the Electoral Court, will be moderated by journalists Pilar Teijeiro and Raúl Ponce de León.
The debate, which will last 90 minutes and will be broadcast on national radio and television, will be structured into five thematic blocks. Each one will have initial presentations of three minutes per candidate, followed by two responses of two minutes and a final one of one minute. The blocks will include topics of human development, security, economy, knowledge and work.
According to the draw carried out by the Electoral Court, Orsi will be in charge of opening and closing the debate, in addition to finishing blocks 2 and 4. Delgado, for his part, will close blocks 1, 3 and 5. The nationalist candidate will be placed on the left edge of the screen, while the broad front will be on the right.
Each thematic block will address the following topics:
- Human Development: housing, health, sports, culture and disability.
- Security: crime, drug trafficking and the prison system.
- Economy: production, economy and international insertion.
- Knowledge: education and innovation.
- Job: employment, wages and social security.
Each candidate will have two final minutes for a closing message, which will be opened by Delgado and concluded by Orsi.