He National Government will bet on the extraordinary sessions of the Congress of the Republic. These date from December 17 to 19 and will only be focused on discussing the health reform project.
Therefore, according to what is stated in the decree of the call, which only calls for the House of Representatives for this purpose, since the initiative is not being processed in the Senate. In this way, different topics that the Executive had as a possible agenda for next week are ruled out.
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Before the decree was known, there were doubts about which projects were going to be included in the extra sessions and what their duration was going to be. Initially, It had been proposed that not only health would go, but also the financing law and agrarian jurisdiction; However, several events that occurred in recent days caused the Government to change its plans.
In the case of the fall of the financing law, there was no urgency to call in extras to address the issue again. Speaking of agrarian jurisdiction, In the Senate it was warned that it was going to be difficult to achieve a minimum quorum to move forward with a project for which there is no desire.
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Regarding this last initiative, the Petro government considered the possibility of including it and making the extras until December 20; However, the discussions were still going to be very tight, since it could only be announced on Wednesday, eight days after its approval in joint commissions, and that only left two days for its discussion, approval and conciliation.
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Faced with this difficulty, the Government decided not to include the proposal among the extras and thus remain only with the health reform for these sessions outside the ordinary period.
*With information from EL TIEMPO – POLITICS