Irene Cuevas, a 19-year-old girl who was born with cerebral palsy, has been waiting for 6 years for compliance with a precautionary measure that orders the Argentine State “to adopt all necessary measures to preserve life and personal integrity, and ensure access to all the necessary support under international standards”.
As specified by the Work Table on Disability and Human Rights together with the Network for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (REDI), through a statement, the Argentine State “has been failing to comply for 6 years, and that puts physical health at risk and mental health of Irene and her mother, who must supply some of these supports”.
The young woman from Cordoba, who is in her last year of the Bachelor of Social Communication and wants to be a social communicator, was born with cerebral palsy, uses a wheelchair, has visual and hearing impairment, does not verbalize and communicates using alternative communication devices.
Along with his family, he has been fighting for years so that the Provincial Health Insurance Administration (Apross), his social work, recognizes the obligation to provide the necessary benefits to guarantee his health, his education and his comprehensive quality of life.
“All this causes his physical and mental health to deteriorate day by day, due to the anguish caused by having to choose which classes to go to, or which activities to do, and the lack of physical therapy and psychological attention”Alice, Irene’s mother
With the support of REDI and the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), Irene and her family attended the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 2015.
A year later, on July 7, 2016, this agency issued precautionary measure Number 376-15 through which orders the Argentine State “to adopt all necessary measures to preserve the life and personal integrity of Irene, and ensure access to all necessary support under international standards”.
Despite this resolution, in these six years they still do not have the necessary support and benefits because the social work Apross “does not cover them or only makes partial refunds, and no other actor is responsible”spokespersons for the sponsoring agencies told Télam.
The family “systematically suffers from Apross’s delays in payments, causing his mother to continually go into debt to be able to pay the professionals in a timely manner,” they added.
“All this causes her physical and mental health to deteriorate day by day, due to the anguish caused by having to choose which classes to go to, or which activities to do, and the lack of physical therapy and psychological care,” Alicia told her, Irene’s mother to Télam.
“We are defeated, Irene will not be able to continue studying and she is very bitter and her health is deteriorating a lot. It is very sad,” Alicia concluded.