Home South AmericaColombia They call for a new strike day for taxi drivers: when will it be?

They call for a new strike day for taxi drivers: when will it be?

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They call for a new strike day for taxi drivers: when will it be?

Leaders and drivers of the taxi drivers union have called for a new day of national strike. The mobilization will take place next July 23 and aims to show the disagreement of the sector regarding the “illegal public transportation provided in private vehicles.”

(Read more: Government issues decree to increase the ACPM for large consumers)

It is worth remembering that for several weeks, representatives of the sector have called on the Government so that transport platforms are regulated that provide this type of services. A request aimed at the existence of free competition in the market.

In this sense, they reject the statements made by the Minister of Transportation, William Camargo, “of wanting to regulate illegal transportation, ensuring that we can all coexist.”

Next month’s demonstrations were called by Sindical, Taxipluss, Sintaxibog, Sinaltax and the NGO Atudaltax.

(Read more: This is how they are promoting the participation of women in public transport)

In the case of Bogotá, the mobilizations will focus on eight areas of the city:

170th Street.

Suba Portal.


Roof, Kennedy.


South terminal.


Holy Librada.

The demonstrations would begin at 5:00 am and will have as their starting point arrival of the Ministry of Transportationon 24th Street #60-50.

(Read more: Manufacturer of electric air taxis received authorization to fly in the United States)


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