Legislators from different benches of the Congress presented a request so that the six members of Popular Action that is being investigated by the Public Ministry for the case ‘The children’do not integrate supervisory commissions such as the Ethics Commission, the Supervisory Commission and the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations.
The official letter is addressed to the president of the Legislative Power, Lady Camones, and specifically requests that article 20 literal d) of the Congress Regulations be complied with.
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“In order that the aforementioned congressmen do not integrate the Oversight and Comptroller Commission, the Parliamentary Ethics Commission and the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations”indicate those who subscribe to the text.
The document recalls that six members of Acción Popular are being investigated after having been mentioned as members of a group known as “Los Niños” and that they would have participated in irregularities in tenders within the Government.
The parliamentarians under investigation are Raúl Doroteo, Darwin Espinoza, Flores Ancachi, Ilich López, Elvis Vergara and Juan Carlos Mori.
The official letter considers that, since they are involved in an investigation, even if it is preliminary, they should already be considered as immersed in a criminal proceeding.
The document bears the signatures of congressmen Alejandro Cavero, Adriana Tudela, Norma Yarrow, Patricia Chirinos, Jéssica Córdova (Avanza País), Gladys Echaíz, Jorge Montoya, José Cueto (Popular Renovation), Susel Paredes and Flor Pablo (Integrity and Development). and Hitler Saavedra (We are Peru).