Members of the Defense Front of Ucayali and congressmen representing said region met this Monday with the President of the Republic, peter castleand with the head of the ministerial cabinet, Aníbal Torres, to ask them to carry out a Decentralized Council of Ministers in said department.
congressman Elvis Vergara (Popular Action) indicated that the request made to the Executive was based on different reasons that have “enraged” the citizens of Ucayali.
“We expressly ask the President of the Republic and his Council of Ministers to hold a Decentralized Council of Ministers in the Ucayali region.because there are various factors that have the ucayalina population inflamed by lack of support for the population”, the legislator told the press from outside the Government Palace.
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In this sense, one of the leaders of the Ucayali Defense Front ensured that it was agreed to hold the session of the Minister councilas he explained that in this way a strike that was scheduled for next May 2 will be avoided.
“We have managed to arrange a meeting with Mr. Aníbal Torres and with the president. We have reached an agreement to create a decentralized table of ministers in the Ucayali region and in this way avoid an indefinite strike that was scheduled for May 2”, he indicated.
To its turn, Teddy Alomia Arellanatechnical adviser to the Ucayali Defense Front, maintained that They have asked the Government to declare a state of emergency in this region due to citizen insecurity. Another of the points that he highlighted was the fact of putting more emphasis on the fight against corruption.
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