The detainees are Óscar López Chamorro, 23 years old, Francisco Javier López, 22, and Lucas Gabriel Laviosa, 18, with a record for aggravated robbery in 2022.
the same sThey were accused of breaking everything they found in their path in the park where the Mbocayaty city body is located.
drug+#easytrigger in Mbocayaty-Guairá, the protagonist of the criminal act is Oscar López Chamorro-23 years old, he was shooting on the 1st day of 2023 accompanied by friends in the park next to the corporeal of the city of Mbocayaty @police_py @MinPublicoPy @senad_paraguay @LaNacionPy
— Joel Corvalán (@CorvalanJoel) January 6, 2023
Fairly Óscar López Chamorro was the protagonist on the first day of the year, when a video firing shots into the air went viral along with his friends, totally drunk and presumably under the influence of other substances.
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The procedure of The arrest of the young people was in charge of Commissioner Osmar Fleitas, from the 9th Cría de Mbocayaty, who made them available to the Prosecutor Rosa Arzamendia.
The entrance They arrest addicts who destroyed a park in Guairá was first published on newspaper TODAY.