The Permanent Commission of Congress, by majority, gave the green light yesterday in the first vote to the law opinion—of a cumulative ten legislative projects presented in the Constitution Commission—that restores private financing to political parties.
The second vote on the aforementioned opinion would be in the next session of the Permanent Commission, which will be held on January 19. If it is approved in that instance, it may be promulgated or observed by the Executive within 15 days.
During the presentation of the opinion, before the vote, the head of the Constitution Commission, Fernando Rospigliosi, stressed that the replacement text established that the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) in coordination with the National Superintendency of Banking and Insurance (SBS) and the AFP regulate the implementation of the law so that political organizations can receive the aforementioned contributions of money through electronic wallet applications.
This means that political parties in the next elections, if the aforementioned law is enacted, will be able to receive financial contributions from legal entities (companies) and individuals—according to the ruling—not only through the deposit of money in their accounts in the Banco de la Nación, but also through private banking.
This is the opinion approved in the first vote.
Individual contributions may not exceed the figure of 200 UIT, which is equivalent to S/1,053,000, and political parties will be authorized to receive up to a maximum amount per year of 500 UIT, which is equivalent to S/2,575,000.
Congressmen Norma Yarrow, from Renovación Popular, José Williams, from Avanza País, and Héctor Ventura, from Fuerza Popular, agreed, in an interview with Perú21, that the approval of this opinion places a lock so that there are no contributions to parties that can be carried out outside the law.
“We have sought transparency, accountability. There is a system (from the ONPE) that is not ideal. We do not want the hidden private contribution, which has brought us problems for so many years,” said Yarrow.
“Now, all contributions will be banked in the Banco de la Nación and in the bank, in which the amount of money is placed, who contributes it and who it is for, with name, surname and ID,” Williams concluded.
-The law will allow parties to receive properties for their use free of charge.
-The bank contribution will be mandatory when it exceeds 25% of 1 UIT, which is equivalent to S/1,287.5.
-The income received by political parties must be recorded in their accounting books.
-“The law will allow private contributions to be made transparent because they will be made through the Banco de la Nación,” said the congressman from Avanza País and former president of the Legislature, José Williams.