The proposal also seeks to give responsibility to the State, each time a technical study is carried out so that guarantees are given to cyclists, pedestrians and each of the people who are dedicated to that utility.
This morning in the plenary session of the National Assembly, Bill No. 529, which creates the Security and Mobility Plan, was approved in the third debate.
The objective of this project is to protect the life and physical integrity of people who travel on the country’s public roads, especially the most vulnerable (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists).
The proposal also seeks to give responsibility to the State, each time a technical study is carried out so that guarantees are given to cyclists, pedestrians and each of the people who are dedicated to that utility.
The proposing deputy, Eric Broce, assured that promoting driver education is not enough, because it is necessary to adapt the roads and complement the structures, including the adequate designs of pedestrian bridges, sidewalks and level crossings in a pedestrian versus vehicle approach.