The Armed Forces of Central America and the Dominican Republic they agreed to remain alert to the situation of insecurity and instability in Haiti, which is the cause of large irregular migratory flows to the countries of the region and especially to the Dominican Republic, and also reiterated their commitment to coordinate the fight against transnational crimes.
A note says that the concern of the Armies of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic is contained in the Declaration of the XLVII Ordinary Meeting of the Superior Council of the Conference of the Central American Armed Forces (CFAC), which concluded yesterday and in which the military leadership reiterated its commitment to continue to confront drug trafficking, organized crime, cross-border crimes, smuggling, and irregular migration.
Can read: UN asks DR not to deport Haitians
At the conference, the Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic transferred command of the CFAC to the Guatemalan Army.
In the act, the Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Carlos Luciano Diaz Morfasaid that in “the last six years, some 116,344 people have been arrested for drug trafficking, and 405 thousand kilos of different narcotic substances have been seized, and 531.5 million marijuana, coa and poppy plants have been destroyed.
191 aircraft, 3,853 naval transports and 47,345 land vehicles have also been seized.