The letter states that Rogelio Ferreira Martins, owner of the leather processing factory Waltraiding SA, failed to comply with the mitigation measures and contaminated Laguna Cerro, whose stained red.
The accusation was presented to the criminal judge of Clean Guarantees Elsa Idoyaga and it is requested that the case be raised to an oral and public trialsince the foreign businessman on a previous occasion requested its definitive dismissal, but the Public Ministry opposed it and is now taking the case to trial.
Also read: Ministry of the Environment is studying the Cerro de Limpio lagoon
The case came to light after The residents of Piquete Cué denounced in August 2020 that the lagoon woke up with a red color and a nauseating smellthen the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of the Environment intervened.
MADES technicians went to the aforementioned site to take samples from the lagoon for further study, then it was concluded that the Waltrading company, owned by Ferreira Martins, was the cause of the ecological disaster and was prosecuted.
Now the case reaches the accusation stage and Prosecutor González confirms that the case must go to trial and the employer should not be given a procedural solution.
The case was so serious that even actor Leonardo DiCaprio spoke out repudiating the fact and used his Instagram account to regret the fact.
The entrance They accuse and request a trial for a Brazilian businessman who contaminated the lagoon was first published on newspaper TODAY.