An official of Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) has been accused of doing favors for certain people to get work from the aforementioned institution, after learning that it was seeking to favor people close to Free Peru with positions in the sector.
The Punto Final program revealed that Juan Altamirano Sánchez, who was only hired to order documents at the MTC, presented himself as Minister Juan Silva’s “right hand” in a Zoom meeting he held on December 1 with members of the Wari Collective. close to the governing party.
Altamirano presents himself as “the person who is evaluating everything that is personnel of Provías Nacional and Provías Decentralizado”, a position confirmed by Julio Lazo, who is indeed an official adviser to the ministerial office.
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Ray Roger Zamora Palomino, representative of the Wari Collective, who supported Pedro Castillo during the last electoral contest, participated in said virtual meeting and who would be requesting in return payment for said favor through jobs for the members of the aforementioned organization.
“Within the team of the Ayacucho bases region, there are proven professionals, who could fit perfectly for some OPD [organismo público descentralizado]so that they can also add and penetrate that type of change that is taking place […] Perhaps among them there are professionals who could easily cover the positions of what is National Provías and Decentralized Provías” Zamora maintained at that time.
“We already have the documentation ready and they also meet the profile, as required by the institution. Doctor, I don’t know when maybe you could give us a space to travel and meet in the city of Lima”, he added.
Altamirano assured him that he would be willing to “work” and “support” the Ayacucho group, since they are “fighting people.”
“It would be much better for them to prepare their documentation, their CV documented with records, certificates, etc. digitally so that here the representative of the minister can begin to filter them, to work on them as he has referred to passing it on to human resources and for him to follow his process”Lazo advised.
The case of Minam
The Environment Minister, Rubén Ramírez, was able to place people linked to the government party in jobs in his sector after repeated negotiations.
Such was the case of the hiring of Jaime Quispialaya Armas, Carlos Pimentel Silva, Natalia Jiménez Velásquez, Emerson López Delgado, among others. After the complaint, Juan Carlos Castro Pinto resigned from the human resources department due to alleged pressure to hire personnel who did not meet the requested requirements.