Felix Chero
I am guilty
Now it turns out that it was the opposition’s fault that President Pedro Castillo failed to read the paragraph in which he allegedly “ordered” his great nephew Fray Vásquez and former Minister of Transport Juan Silva to surrender to justice. “When a sector of congressmen learned that it was part of the message to exhort those who are fugitives, they interrupted in this way, apparently, so that this would not be announced,” argued the head of Justice, Félix Chero. Wow, wow, it seems that he competes with Alejandro Salas to see who can get the most luster out of flannel.
Joseph Louis Gavidia
Broken heart
The Minister of Defense, José Luis Gavidia, justified with such vehemence the exclusion of the Chavín de Huántar commandos from the traditional military parade for National Holidays that raised his voice greatly and the journalists pointed it out to him. “I don’t bother. Do you know what’s up? This is how I speak, because my heart speaks, what I speak is what I feel; I love them very much,” he declared. Let’s see if he warns his little heart to lower the tone of his voice a little…
Congress of the republic
Blind and deaf
Where they do turn a deaf ear is in Congress. Making a clean slate of its 79% disapproval, the Board of Directors of the Congress -which was chaired by María del Carmen Alva- agreed that the remuneration level for the former presidents of Parliament who enter the parliamentary organization to work will be SP-11, which amounts to S/14,940. They say they have “invaluable expertise.” Really? Several names come to mind that do not meet that requirement.
Hannibal Torres
Urgent! Valerian…
The outbursts of Prime Minister Aníbal Torres were already missed. Annoyed by the comments of the journalist Jaime Chincha – who maintained that the prime minister “slips his brains out” because of his admiration for Hitler – Torres called Canal N and called him a “vulgar journalist”. “Do you have any journalism degree? Surely you have it without thesis, calm down a bit, ”he added. Give him valerian.
Dina Boluarte
Out, out!
The Vice President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, had to bite the bullet yesterday at the Monterrico Racecourse, where she went to attend the traditional race on the occasion of the national anniversary. As soon as they recognized her, she was hit by a barrage of criticism. “Get out, get out!” the attendees yelled at him.
peter castle
Bad selection
And President Pedro Castillo attended Mass and Te Deum wearing the presidential sash in which a shield with palm and laurel branches that has been abolished stood out. Who will be responsible?