The ‘girl’ Sylvia
new vice president
And by 67 votes, the Plenary elected Silvia Monteza, from Acción Popular, as second vice president of the Legislative Branch, replacing Digna Calle. The parliamentarian, she reminds herself, is included in the investigation carried out by the Public Ministry for the case called ‘Los Niños’.
Martin Vizcarra
first it was me
The Parliament approved the report that recommends constitutionally accusing Martín Vizcarra and his former ministers María Antonieta Alva, of Economy, and Elizabeth Hinostroza, of Health, for alleged crime in the acquisition of vaccines against COVID-19, and at the touch the former president removed body and attributed the measure to a “political revenge”. “Time and justice will prove me right because I have acted putting Peru First,” he wrote. Yes, well, and the shoulder too. Or have you already forgotten that you were immunized first and hidden from the population?
Sigrid Bazan
Who would defend her?
The Cambio Democrático bench will not present a candidate for Ombudsman, and rather has requested that the election process be suspended. Curious, isn’t it? Right after the entity stood up for one of her congresswomen, Sigrid Bazán, in the face of an avalanche of criticism for her comment that “peaceful protest does not generate change.” Will the legislator be afraid of being left without someone to defend her?
Jose Jeri
Ear pulling
The Somos Perú congressman, José Jerí, did not like that Perú21 echoed the complaint of a woman and her niece, who were attacked by one of the dogs owned by their mother María Elena Oré. The animal, according to those affected, was without a muzzle or leash despite its aggressiveness. Jerí was quick to respond that he will assume the medical expenses of both women. In addition, he questioned that it is about “politicizing” a “purely domestic” event. Let’s see if they don’t expect the complaint to be published next time to act.
Parliamentary Calendar
Under control
The Congress of the Republic has published a parliamentary calendar that highlights the dates on which, throughout the year, it is the responsibility of public institutions to present or present before the Plenary Session, ordinary committees, etc., reports on various topics, such as the National Plan to Fight Corruption and the balance of management of the National Board of Justice. Now there will be no way to get around the obligations.