In principle, the tax benefits consist of a series of incentives for scientific and technological development and innovation. Aspects that are recognized as fundamental requirements to overcome backwardness in the country.
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That is why the law 1450 of 2011with which the national development plan is defined, stipulates some types of projects for citizens who wish to apply and obtain these incentives.
We tell you what they consist of.
Tax benefits in Colombia
1. VAT exemption: With this incentive, VAT is exempt for the importer of equipment and elements intended for Science, Technology and Innovation projects.
2. Income tax deduction: It is awarded for investments or donations in research and technological development. An annual call will be made, with the aim of assigning the deduction quotas.
3. Exempt income for certification of new software: Any person who develops new software products made in Colombia, with a high content of national scientific and technological research, will have the right to deduct 100% of the income received from their commercialization.
4. Exempt income for income not constituting income or occasional profit:
Legal person: are the resources received by a taxpayer to be allocated to the development of projects classified as scientific, technological or innovative, according to the criteria and conditions defined by the CNBT.
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Natural person: The same treatment is applied to the remuneration of natural persons for the direct execution of tasks of a scientific, technological or innovation nature, provided that said remuneration comes from the resources allocated to the respective project, according to the criteria and conditions defined by the CNBT.