José Grasso Vecchio is the only candidate to assume the presidency of the Caracas Stock Exchange (BVC) for the 2025-2027 period, after the closure of the postulate process on January 30
The Caracas Stock Exchange (BVC) closed on Thursday, January 30, the application period to choose the new members of the Board of Directors for the 2025-2027 period. As reported by Horacio Velutini, who currently presides over the capital corrus, financial analyst José Grasso Vecchio is the only postulated candidate to hold the position of president.
Verutini indicated in an interview broadcast by the BVC on the Instagram social network that a single plate of candidates headed by Grasso Vecchio was presented. The call for applications was made in December. He described Grasso Vecchio as an “extremely serious and formal person. I can consider it to a good friend » and with a long experience in the Venezuelan banking sector.
In his opinion, Grasso Vecchio represents a continuity in current management, which has among its achievements a 60% increase in market revenues in the last year.
«It has a lot of experience and a remarkable ability to relate to third parties, which makes it an ideal candidate to interact not only with shareholders, but also with the stock market houses and about regulatory authorities such as the Ministry of Finance, Sunaval (National Superintendence of Securities) and all public entities. His application is very successful and this predicts continuity in the management that has been done until today, ”said Velutini.
GRASSO VECCHIO UNIVERSITY LAWYER AND BANESCO EXECUTIVE PRESIDENCY and in the direction of the Banking Association of Venezuela (ABV). He also held management and managerial positions in the Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and began his career in the financial sector at the Venezuelan Credit Bank and in the Expred Bolsa house.
Of the postulates to integrate the Board of Directors, three new names would be added to the Caracas bag In case of being approved by the Ordinary Shareholders Assembly to be held next March: José Grasso Vecchio, Fulvio Italiani and Alejandro Santaromita.
President: José Grasso Vecchio.
Alternate Director of the President: Emilio Antelo Rey.
Vice President: Carlos Enrique Guruceaga.
Alternate Director of the Vice President: José Miguel Tineo Raga.
Secretary: Gonzalo Alonso Labraga.
Alternate Director: Diego Jacques Alexandre Parra.
Independent Director: Fulvio Leonardo Italiani Firrito.
Substitute of the Independent Director: Alejandro Santaromita Vera.
Last December, Horacio Velutini, expressed his decision not to opt for the re -election of the position. «For me it was a pleasant experience to have been in the Caracas Stock Exchange (…) I do not repeat in office because I fulfilled my desire to renew (at the BVC) And I have plans to participate in a project to which he was invited. I will always be linked to the stock market, ”he said in the interview in which he took the opportunity to invite the institution’s shareholders to support Grasso Vecchio and the new board of directors.
*Also read: Movistar will invest $ 500 million in Venezuela to develop its 4G and 5G network
*Journalism in Venezuela is exercised in a hostile environment for the press with dozens of legal instruments arranged for the punishment of the word, especially the laws “against hatred”, “against fascism” and “against blockade.” This content was written taking into consideration the threats and limits that, consequently, have been imposed on the dissemination of information from within the country.
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