Between January 1 and March 4, 2022, there was a 9% increase in criminal activities in the capital, compared to the same period in 2021.
The data collected by the Information Analysis Department of the National Police show that the 82% of crime from Quito concentrates on four zones: Eugenio Espejo, Quitumbe, Eloy Alfaro and La Delicia (see box).
But, in addition, it gives other details about the sector with the most robberies in the city and the hours in which, to a greater extent, crime makes its own.
Peak crime hours
Although a citizen can be a victim of crime at any time, the National Police has determined that there are two schedules in which these acts are carried out the most.
The first is from 05:30 to 08:30, when people go to work, so they often occur in alleys or bus stops.
while of 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. it also becomes a time with the highest crime rate.
More crimes this 2022
José Luis García, head of Operational Management of the National Police, mentions that in Quito, between January 1 and March 4, 2022, a 9% increase on Criminal activitiescompared to the same period in 2021.
The uniformed officer details that since 2020, due to the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, robbery rates decreased, however, in 2022, by maintaining more relaxed restrictive measures, with more institutions open, extended hours and capacity, they have made “Not only commercial activity but criminal activity is reactivated.”
One of the strategies of the Police in the Metropolitan District of Quito has been to segment the spaces where more crime occurs.
Public transport
Mauricio CeronSecurity coordinator of the Quito Passenger Company, highlighted that during this 2022 there have been 20 criminal control operations, where even passengers have been found with white weapons.
On March 17, 2022, the Passenger Company reported that 27 people They were arrested by agents of the National Policehim for the subtraction from valuables to users the ecovia and Trolleybus.
Areas with the highest crime in Quito
With 82% concentration of crimes
- Eugene Mirror: Nayón, Zámbiza, Puéllaro, Chavezpamba, Atahualpa, San José de Minas, Perucho and Guayllabamba, La Concepción, Mariscal Sucre, Belisario Quevedo, San Isidro del Inca, Rumipamba, Kennedy, Iñaquito, the People’s Committee, Cochapamba and Jipijapa.
- Quitumbe: Chillogallo, Guamaní, Quitumbe, Turubamba and La Ecuatoriana.
- Eloy Alfaro: Chilibulo, San Bartolo, Chimbacalle, La Argelia, Solanda, Lloa, La Mena, La Magdalena, La Ferroviaria.
- The Delight: Nanegal, Pact, Gualea and Nanegalito, El Condado, Ponceano, San Antonio de Pichincha, Nono, Cotocollao, Pomasqui, Calacalí, the People’s Committee and Carcelén.