The Chancellery is preparing new regulations for the passport renewal process for minors. This initiative is published for public comments.
(Continue reading: How to process the Colombian passport in a Red Cade? This is the step by step).
This initiative, “through which article 15 of resolution 6888 of 2021 is modified ‘By which
The provisions regarding passports and the Colombian travel document are regulated and Resolution number 3959 of December 29, 2020 and Resolution 656 of February 17, 2021 are repealed.“, proposes, in principle, to eliminate the renewal requirement of this document to those who turn seven and 18 years of agelimiting the procedure to ten specific causes.
1. If it is done for the first time.
2. If it is done by voluntary change.
3. IF it is done by correcting data in the identity document.
4. If it is done due to passport expiration.
5. If it is done due to damage that prevents its use.
6. If it is done due to theft or loss.
7. If it is done with a valid passport, it does not have enough pages.
8. For having allegedly been a victim of the crime of personal falsehood and/or related crimes, and having provided summary proof of the same.
9. For not having previously claimed the requested passport.
10. In the other special circumstances regulated in the resolution, if approved.
(Further: Passport in Bogotá: Cade network points were enabled to facilitate the process).
It is worth mentioning that the literal H of article 15 of Resolution 6888 of 2021 mentions that one of the reasons for issuance was, precisely, having turned seven or 18 years of age; rule that remains in force.
(Besides: Now the passport can be requested at the SuperCade in Bogotá).
After this new regulatory framework meets all legal conditions, it will be implemented by the Foreign Ministry on a discretionary basis.
Among the reasons that would give weight to the initiative is the simplification of the process and the reduction of the frequency with which minors must renew their notebook, representing a relief in terms of time or associated costs for families.