The National Government launched an Anti-Corruption Hotline with the aim of consolidating an effective channel to report acts of corruption and strengthen ‘citizen trust’ in institutions. What is the number to contact and its main objectives?
Those Colombian citizens who want to demonstrate some type of act linked to corruption will be able to do so from now on. to line 157 from any telephone means.
In this sense, this brand new method seeks to evade the level of risk for the complainant, hiding their personal data if they wish, since the channel allows a parallel line to the same institutions that may be involved in corruption and allows speed.
“Reporting is a danger in Colombia, because it is reported to institutions that are plagued by corruption and the complainant does not know who they are really talking to. Many cases in the country have occurred where the complainant dies after reporting it or is threatened and that threat, obviously, comes from a network, a network that is outside and inside the State,” said President Gustavo Petro during the ceremony. launch.
In addition to the main objective of strengthening trust in government agencies, it is also se wants to ‘waste time, energy, we would lose, and to discover and recover money that is public’.
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What is the Paco portal in Colombia, which grew in visits?
Paco is the Anti-Corruption Portal of Colombiaa website that includes the General System of Transparency and Fight Against Corruption. To date, it brings together information on hiring, sanctions, reports and news on possible acts of corruption and a safe channel for citizen complaints.
Andrés Idárraga Franco, Secretary of Transparency of the Presidency, reported that The Anti-Corruption Portal, previously launched, has grown exponentially in users, reaching more than 1.2 million.
“This does not mean more corruption, but rather that we are eliminating barriers to reporting and providing tools that promote transparency,” he clarified.
Idárraga also emphasized that the Line 157 is a crucial step within the National Strategy to Fight Corruptioncontemplated in Decree 1600 of 2024.
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