▲ Next to the roundabout where an ahuehuete tree was planted, the Ensemble Theater Project presented the play autopsyby Enrique Buenaventura, to demand the search for the disappeared.Photo Marco Pelaez
Roberto Garduno
Newspaper La Jornada
Monday, June 20, 2022, p. eleven
Next to the roundabout on Paseo de la Reforma where an ahuehuete tree was planted, relatives of disappeared persons gathered to observe the performance of the work the autopsy, Uruguayan Enrique Buenaventura.
This activity, which brought together twenty people, had the purpose of contributing to the permanent claim of thousands of families for the return of their daughters, sons, partners, wives and husbands who have disappeared for more than four decades. Raúl Bretón, tireless actor and activist, appeared together with Yolanda Matsumoto and her son Julián Bretón to interpret the staging of Buenaventura.
It was an act that attracted the attention of some cyclists and runners who were exercising on Reforma Avenue. The actress Matsumoto and her partner Bretón offered a heartfelt interpretation of autopsyand at the end they expressed their solidarity and accompaniment to relatives of those people who disappeared with impunity from their lives and their surroundings.
Breton claimed inaction: The disappearance must be stopped; They like so much the surveys by show of hands, that why doesn’t anyone who has a disappeared acquaintance in their vicinity raise their hand?
he asked, and the answer was that all the attendees raised their arms.
A few meters from the ahuehuete, four middle-aged women, who have suffered the disappearance of their relatives, hugged each other through tears and shouted: why do we look for them? Because we love them! Because alive they took them away, alive we love them!