Edward Murillo
Newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, August 9, 2022, p. 8
The Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Arturo Zaldívar, pointed out that what happened in the United States, where the constitutional right to abortion was invalidated, shows that the work of the judges is not neutral and that there is no gains in terms of rights that are irreversible.
During the keynote The transformative role of constitutional courts in comparative lawZaldívar pointed out that what happened in the neighboring country proves that behind the rulings of the courts there is always an ideology.
Tell me if the judges of the United States, who as a figure of the Judicial Branch reversed the decision of the United States Court on abortion 50 years ago, do not have an ideology. One of these togados declared clearly in a conference that this was about incorporating a religious vision of law, so it is not only an ideological position but also a religious one.
He added that the members of the country’s highest court have abandoned the belief that magistrates only speak through their sentences and are increasingly giving interviews.
Due to the foregoing, he pointed out as misleading the accusations against the SCJN agreements in favor of women, minorities and discriminated sectors of the population, which he indicated are part of transformative constitutionalism.