The National Commission for Work in Private Homes agreed to a 30% salary increase for domestic workerswhich will be paid in 3 installments, which will be reflected in this month’s salaries.
According to the distribution, the staff will receive the first increase of 6% corresponding to the month of April, which will take place in May. Later this month, there will be a new increase of 9% for domestic workers.
In addition, the domestic workers will receive a third salary adjustment in June of 15%, with which The 30% increase outlined in the joint agreement for this year is completed.
In turn, the commission agreed to take these increases into account to pay the mid-year bonus and make a new salary review in August.
An additional 30% unfavorable zone will also be applied to employees who provide their services La Pampa, Río Negro, Chubut, Neuquén, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, and the district of Carmen de Patagones in Buenos Aires.
In this sense, the salaries corresponding to the month of April, for domestic workers, according to each category, will be the following:
- Retired supervisors: $349 an hour and $43,568 a month
- Supervisors without retirement: $382 and $48,530
- Personnel for specific tasks with retirement: $330 and $40,477
- Personnel for specific tasks without retirement: $362 and $45,058
- Homemade: $311 and $39,492
- Assistance and care of retired people: $311 and $39,492
- Assistance and care of people without retirement: $349 and $44,009
- Personnel for general tasks with retirement: $289 and $35,514
- Personnel for general tasks without retirement: $311 and $39,492
For its part, in May, with the second increase, salaries will be as follows:
- Retired supervisors: $380 per hour and $47,489 per month
- Supervisors without retirement: $416 and $52,897
- Personnel for specific tasks with retirement: $360 and $44,120
- Personnel for specific tasks without withdrawal: $395 and $49,113
- Homemade: $339 and $43,046
- Assistance and care of retired people: $339 and $43,046
- Assistance and care of people without retirement: $380 and $47,970
- Personnel for general tasks with retirement: $315 and $38,711
- Personnel for general tasks without retirement: $339 and $43,046.
How much will domestic workers be paid in June
The last salary adjustment will be made in June for the staff domestic, which will be as follows:
- Retired supervisors: $437 hourly and monthly: $54,612.5
- Supervisors without retirement: hour: $479 and $60,832
- Personnel for specific tasks with retirement: $414 and $50,738
- Personnel for specific tasks without retirement: $454 and $56,480
- Homemade: $390 and $49,503
- Assistance and care of retired people: $390 and $49,503
- Assistance and care of people without retirement: $437 and $55,166
- Personnel for general tasks with retirement: $362 and $44,517
- Personnel for general tasks without retirement: $390 and $49,503