This Wednesday was commemorated at the national level and for the eighth year the rsymbolic comparison from recognition from the dignity and resilience from the victims of this crime. The commemoration began in 2014 and “constitutes a measure of collective reparation as a result of the case of the journalist Jineth Bedoya, who was the victim of kidnapping and sexual violence.”
Colombia News.
This Wednesday, May 25, the National Day of Dignification for Victims of Sexual Violence in the framework of the internal armed conflict in Colombia was commemorated.
This commemorative date was constituted as a measure of symbolic reparation after what happened to the journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima, who in 2000 was the victim of kidnapping and sexual violence by paramilitaries when she was trying to make a report in the La Modelo Prison in Bogotá.
Sexual violence, in the context of the armed conflict in Colombia, reaches an impunity rate of 98 percent. Only 2 percent of the victims manage to bring their cases before a judicial court, without that meaning conviction. Today, we continue for them! #25M #Isn’tTimeToShut Up
– Jineth Bedoya Lima (@jbedoyalima) May 25, 2022
Juan Manuel Santos was the president who set this date from May 25, 2014 to commemorate, “contribute to the recognition of dignity” and break all those actions and scourges suffered by women in the midst of the armed conflict.
Likewise, in the commemoration of this Wednesday, the Ministry of the Interior expressed through the social network Twitter:
- “For this reason, the Ministry of the Interior indicated through Twitter: “From the National Government we ratify our commitment to continue building public policies focused on the prevention of this type of violence.”
Today, on the National Day for the Dignity of Women Victims of Sexual Violence in the Framework of the Internal Armed Conflict, from the Nal Government we ratify our commitment to continue building public policies focused on the prevention of this type of violence.
– MinInterior Colombia (@MinInterior) May 25, 2022
Remembering that in the Law 1448 of June 10, 2011“by which measures of attention, assistance and integral reparation are dictated to the victims of the internal armed conflict and other provisions are dictated”, in its article number 3 it indicates that:
- “Victims are considered to be those persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered damage due to events that occurred after January 1, 1985.”
According to this, the state is obliged to offer protection to any victim who is affected by the law.
30% of victims are girls and adolescents
As stipulated by the Memory and Conflict Observatory of the National Center for Historical Memory (CNMH).
There have been 15,760 victims of violence against women in the midst of the armed conflict, between 1959 and 2020.
Divided between 61.8% of affected women and 30.8% among girls and adolescents, which is equivalent to an average of 92.6% of the victims.
Today, May 25, from REDEPAZ we commemorate the victims of sexual violence on this day and we call on the authorities to restore dignity through respect and immediate actions that generate guarantees and the restitution of rights, we are all Colombia.
– Brayan Montoya (@BrayanMontoyaTo) May 25, 2022
Therefore, the government rejects all kinds of acts related to violence against women in the context of the armed conflict, providing them with the corresponding support through this national day.
initiative that has led to Jineth Bedoya every May 25 to invite women to denounce because “It is not time to be silent”
- «After the kidnapping I kept silent because I thought that as a journalist I could not identify myself as a victim. Also, I was so embarrassed that it was impossible for me to even talk about it with my mother. And I was aware that even if I filed a complaint, nothing was going to happen and I was going to wear myself out in that process.”