September 30, 2022, 4:00 AM
September 30, 2022, 4:00 AM
A report from the United States Congress determines that there was a fraud in the country promoted by the government of then President Evo Morales and other State institutions. The document, sent to the Department of State, is based on the final report of the OAS electoral observer mission.
In addition, the congressmen rely on the investigation carried out in the country by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) to mention that during the political and social crisis that occurred between September and December 2019, Human rights violations occurred by, first, the government of resigning President Evo Morales, and later by the transitional government of Jeanine Áñez.
In section number II of the report, the United States Congress indicates that in the face of accusations of fraud and citizen protests, the government of the then president and candidate for re-election for the fourth time, Evo Morales, srequested an electoral audit from the OAS, which began on November 1, 2019. “On November 10, the OAS concluded that the election results should not be certified due to irregularities.”
Subsequently, in December 2019, the OAS published a final report of almost 100 pages in which “confirmed the findings of the electoral observation mission on electoral manipulation. Deliberate actions were taken to alter the results, with manipulation of the vote, in the tally sheets and in the processing of the results”.
The US Congress report mentions that the Bolivian Government and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) ssigned an agreement to investigate the acts of violence that occurred during the political and social crisisbetween September and December 2019.
In the investigations it was shown “serious violations of human rights” by the Bolivian security forcesaround the elections under the governments of Morales and Áñez, including illegal detentions, sexual violence, torture and murder of 37 people.