The United States Government added, for the first time, to its list of “corrupt and anti-democratic actors” —known as the “Engel List”— nine officials and allies of the Ortega regime, three of whom have already been previously sanctioned by the Administration. American.
The list includes three electoral magistrates: Cairo Melvin Amador, Lumberto Ignacio Campbell Hooker and Brenda Isabel Rocha Chacón. Five deputies: Edwin Ramón Castro Rivera; Gustavo Eduardo Porras Cortes; Carlos Wilfredo Navarro Moreira; Wálmaro Antonio Gutiérrez Mercado; and Maria Haydee Osuna Ruiz. In addition to the Ortega judge Karen Vanessa Chavarría Morales.
The US State Department reported that it added the officials for “undermining democratic processes or institutions in Nicaragua.” The designated they are not eligible for visas and admission to the United States.
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