USA It already has a new president and at this time a new process has begun for its territory in terms of international politics. Not only is it protecting the industry fiercely, but it has also taken measures that are controversial at first glance.
USAin the person of Donald Trump, has signed a document in which he suspends, for an indefinite period, the citizenship by birth of foreigners or residents who do not have their papers in order.
As is known, the northern country has suffered greatly from illegal immigration, especially from Mexico. These populations arrive on American soil without the protection of the law, but their births do have nationality and, therefore, acquired rights.
However, the brand new president mentions that all those who have not adhered to the law of the USA They will not be able to obtain the rights for their children. This measure has already caused controversy among government officials themselves.
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus USA has expressed its concern about the prevailing situation, because immigrant populations have contributed to the workforce and, therefore, to the growth of the US economy.
“It was never interpreted to extend citizenship universally to every person born in the United States. It always excluded from these rights people born in the territory, but not subject to its jurisdiction.”
However, Trump has mentioned that citizenship was never designed so that anyone born on American soil would have those rights.but all those who have submitted to the laws of the country, excluding illegals.
The crisis
USA has suspended the citizenship of people who do not have their papers in order, therefore, a large number of people have already been seen lining up waiting for a solution on this issue. It is feared that a massive deportation of foreigners will originate at the borders.
For the moment, although peace reigns, the truth is that there is great uncertainty in the face of what could represent one of the most controversial fulfillments of a campaign promise in recent decades in the history of USA.
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