Page Seven / La Paz
Bolivia closed the year 2021 with an unemployment rate of 5.2%, lower by 3.2 percentage points than the rate of 8.4%, with which the 2020 administration ended, reported the National Institute of Statistics (INE) .
As of the fourth quarter of 2021, the Economically Active Population (PEA) increased by 11.1% and reached 4.5 million in relation to the same quarter of the previous year, a period in which the return to relative normality began, then of post-confinement due to the covid pandemic.
The unemployment rate for women reached 5.7%, for men 4.7%. For the fourth quarter of 2021, in the urban area, unemployment of young people between the ages of 16 and 28 reached 8%, a rate 6.2 percentage points lower than that obtained during the fourth quarter of 2020.
By the end of 2021, the employed population in the urban area totaled 4.3 million, a figure 15 points higher than in 2020.
According to economic activity, 25% of this population (1.7 million people) work in commerce, 14.9% (643 thousand people) in the manufacturing industry and 10.3% (447 thousand people) carry out activities in transportation and storage. Another 377 thousand people work in accommodation and meals, 198 thousand in education, 127 thousand people in public administration, defense and others.