Safe and sound they appeared Merli Yulieth Ortega García, 15 years old, and Yolima Alejandra Ortega García, 13 years old, after it became known that Apparently they were kidnapped when they were going on a motorcycle to the Agricultural Educational Institute, in the village of Santa Teresa, rural area of Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo.
Jhon Rosero, mayor of Valle del Guamuezindicated that “the minors were a little dirty, Apparently they had to walk a lot, The authorities went to the place and they are already at the station the police with their relativesthank God they appeared, We were all very worried about them.”
Also read: Two sisters kidnapped in Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo
The mayor indicated that from the first moment his disappearance was known a device was deployed with all the authorities to find the whereabouts of the minors and who would be behind the alleged abduction. However, after more than twelve hours of searching, the authorities were informed that the minors had appeared.
“We cannot speak if it was a group or any person, it would be irresponsible on our part, It is a job of the authorities and we must wait for the relevant investigations in this case, what we can say is that the two minors are safe and sound”.
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Meanwhile, the Secretary of Government of Putumayo, Carlos Eduardo González indicated that “in an articulated work with the authorities minors were released they are already with the relatives and We are waiting for the official report from the authorities to find out how the release was achieved.”.
The authorities announced that they will advance a departmental Security Council in the municipality of Valle del Guamuez and Puerto Caicedo, where you can learn in detail what happened.