Tiziana Polesel, president of Consecomercio, reported that officials from the Superintendence for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights (Sundde) inspected around 3,000 businesses last Friday and Saturday, with the aim of verifying compliance with the collection of products at the official exchange rate.
During an interview given to the radio station Wave The SuperstationPolesel pointed out that of the supervised establishments only between two and three cases with irregularities were registered.
“There was a major deployment on Friday and Saturday. From the formal point of view, the results were very positive. There were some closures, but none of them had to do with the fluctuation of the dollar, ”he noted.
The president of Consecomercio assured that many merchants are selling products below the prices that were purchased, due to economic problems such as the rise in the exchange rate or fiscal voracity.
“Some businesses have chosen to close in the face of this situation,” he added.
He stated that the margin of speculation at this time is minimal. “Talking about speculation at this time is not possible, because there is no possibility,” she said.
He stressed that the relations between the Sundde prosecutors and the merchants have always been based on respect, and even explained that the entity gave the opportunity to notify the merchants about the inspections.