The president of the Assembly of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (Apyme), Julián Moreno, celebrated the appointment of Silvina Batakis as Minister of Economyand stated that “it is essential to provide him with the maximum support” since “he will have to face very powerful interests.”
In dialogue with Télam Radio, Moreno highlighted Batakis “his historic profile and his public participation, always in pursuit of a development model with inclusion.”
“It is therefore essential that all the sectors that pursue a genuine development model, based on our capabilities and our sovereign actions, Let us give him the maximum support since, in the remainder of the mandate of this government to reverse the current inflationary situation, he will have to face very powerful interests”said the SME leader.
He assured that Batakis “is a person convinced that our country can incorporate its entire population into a decent income work scheme, thanks to an economic organization clearly directed by the State.”
However, she expressed that “her luck in the post and that of all Argentines today, depends on the political strength of those who support her at this particular moment.”