The Secretary of Domestic Trade, Roberto Feletti, recently confirmed that the inflation January was set at 4%. However, the official data on the price increase will be published this Tuesday by INDEC.
Meanwhile, Feletti claimed that the consumer price index (CPI) for January will be equal to that reflected in the same period last year, with which the inflation will not show any major changes.
“We estimate that the January index is going to be the same as that of 2021, so there is no worsening of the problem in a more difficult context,” said Feletti, who also stated that the agreement with the IMF will be key to stopping the inflation.
This is because if the new negotiation with the Fund is signed, the country will be able to recover the reserves of the Central Bank, with which the level of economic recovery could be maintained.
In any case, for the secretary this year the inflation will not be worse than that of 2021, “we do not have an acceleration of the inflation. It will not be worse than in 2021, that way it can be better.
Despite this, analysts say that prices can go up to 55% with the inflation this year, which is already reflected in some products, especially food.
What is the government doing to dampen inflation?
From the Ministry of Internal Trade they work on different strategies so that prices do not rise so much, and affect consumers.
Some of them, they have to do with the construction of trusts, the regulation of prices in cuts of meatas well as the extension of the Care Prices program in small businesses.
“The objective of our Government is to lower the weight of essential consumption on income,” Roberto Feletti said in statements to C5N, which according to the secretary will help stabilize prices.