Pumping systems assisted by photovoltaic panel shop are being victims of robberies and vandalism without so far being able to control by the authorities and residents of rural areas of Cuba.
“It is of no use to the extraordinary effort that Cuba makes to improve the quality of life of the population – even in the midst of strong financial and resources limitations – if it does not contribute to preserve what is installed,” He complained A report published in the newspaper Granma.
Predated geography
According to the newspaper, the geography of the crimes includes several provinces and the object of thefts is focused on the electrical installations, including cable networks, but covers even the solar panel shop, the most privileged modality by the Government within its Strategic Energy Matrix Change Program.
TRIQUES In charge of managers and officials of the aqueduct and sewerage entities of the province of Holquín, they determined that at least three pumping systems of those corresponding to the program, have been subject to pillage.
Among the sites predated by the criminals is the town of Pedernales, in the vicinity of the Holguinera city, where the solar panels were subtracted twice, he explained Granma.
Crown without brakes
Alexander Valdespino Leyva, president of Cubasolar In this territory, he said that the rate of facts against the equipment of photovoltaic pumping facilities has gone in advance. The severity of the facts, in his opinion, forces a collective action that stops thieves.
“These are technologies that are not in large parks, but in isolated places, in the vicinity of communities, which favors being harassed by unscrupulous people, who try to profit with collective goods,” said the official.
The criminals, he added, also act on photovoltaic pumping facilities as a result of collaboration projects developed with the participation of foreign entities. They are teams that are assembled with the participation of Cubasolarand are donated to communities in order to ensure water for human and animal consumption, in addition to irrigation.
Another case detected is located in the project Clean waterin Manantialito, belonging to the Holguinera community of Rejondones de Báguanos. In the site, photovoltaic pumping systems were installed, but it did not spend much time to be stripped of its connective network by cables.
For its part, in Tacámara 4, also in Holguin, two pumps and cables were stolen.
Meanwhile, a bomb and other components of the system were stolen at the beach settlement, the report of the report of Granma And he cited more examples of subtractions in the Vaquería landing of Granma, in Lucrecia, in the municipality of Banes.
“It is normal that in places where the water supply is complex, solutions are required to local authorities. However, sometimes it happens that once the teams in the community have been mounted, it is not reciprocal in the protection of those assets that benefits them so much, ”Valdespino lamented on the lack of support of the inhabitants before the criminal crisis that surpasses them.
Solar panels for water pumping in Holguín: Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow
A Light of Hope
Likewise, the newspaper Granma He quotes similar rapacería events in the province of Villa Clara, in the Ranchuelo Development Zone, and as it contrades the situation, he praised the experience of the town of Vega Alta, in Camajuaní.
In that town, the president of the Popular Council, Fidel Fernández Meneses, personally took care of selecting the custodian for the pumping system, which – according to the medium – is guaranteed the security of the place without any setback.
On the other hand, the newspaper put the spotlights on the companies responsible for specifying these projects, whether hydraulic resources or aqueduct and sewerage, which, he said, have the greatest prominence when selecting the most indicated place for their location, and The means of protection of these teams.
In turn, ”said the press body of the Communist Party – they have the obligation not to disregard these systems once placed, as has happened in some places.
Millions of dollars in broken bag?
In your report, Granma He recalled that millions of dollars have been invested in the change of energy matrix for water pumping.
The program includes the installation of 1312 equipment until 2025 throughout the country, with a power of ten kilowatts, which generates great advantages such as the potential savings of 17 Gigawatts per year. This translates into 10,000 tons of diesel, and between 42 and 46 million pesos when that investor plan ends.
Focused in reducing the dependence of fossil fuels, whose acquisition is a bundle for the economy, the government of the island aims to reach 2030 with 37 % of the electricity consumed from renewable sources, mainly solar. That includes an effort to save almost 3 million tons of fuel per year.
Before the progress of the large solar parks – of which this year 55 must be operated to contribute approximately 1 200 MW to the National Electrical System (SEN) – many Cubans wonder with all logic for the security scheme with which they will be accompanied to avoid That they are predated and ruined progressively.