According to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mexico is the country where more hours are dedicated to work. Data from 2019 show that Mexicans, on average, they work 2,137 hours a year757 more than in Denmark where they work around 1,380 hours, while the average across OECD countries is 1,730 hours.
The IMCO researcher details that for every hour worked by a Dane, a Mexican works 1.6 hours, added to the fact that the long working hours impede productivity, reduce the quality of jobs and the conditions of workers.
“Mexico has been in the last place in terms of labor productivity in the OECD for several years, workers have a heavy workload and we see that very clearly when we see how many hours Mexicans work versus other countries like Denmark, which is the country with the most comfortable working hours for people”, he says.
In this scenario, the emecista senator – who in 2022 promoted the initiative through which it was possible to extend the vacation period for workers – points out that in terms of labor rights, “what is at the center of the debate is time and space . Time in terms of working hours, flexibility… and the space where you work, which now with the new technology allows you many things”.
“Time and space are up for debate. We have to get into that discussion, we can’t stay behind because Finally, it does have to do with the possibility of greater development, growth and productivity, and also, of a better quality of life and of leaving behind the job insecurity that we have reached”, he comments.
According to the law, in one day a person can work a maximum of eight hours in a day shift, seven in a night shift and seven and a half in a mixed one. That is, you can dedicate up to 2,040 hours a year if you take off weekends and holidays. Additionally, you can do up to three hours of extra work three days a week, which are not always paid.