The work was carried out by the Department of Political Science of the University of the Republic and was presented on the night of this Tuesday the 12th in Underlined.
It was measured which are the legislators who make the most effort according to these points:
1) Attendance at sessions. 2) Bills or minutes presented. 3) How much does he do as an informer in the Plenary. 4) How much does he participate in the chamber debate? 5) Exhibitions on different reasons. 6) Number of report orders. The work was directed by the political scientist Daniel Chasquetti and based on these concepts, and then the ranking and evaluation by the Department of Political Science of the University of the Republic.
The first in the Senate
Charles Carrera (FA) is the hardest working senator so far this term with a z-score of 2.37. Following at a considerable distance are Senators Gustavo Penadés (PN); Amanda Della Ventura (FA); Graciela Bianchi (PN); Raul Lozano (CA); Guido Manini Rios (CA); Oscar Andrade (FA); Mario Bergara (FA); Liliam Kechichian (FA) and Sebastián Da Silva (PN), with average z-score values ranging between 1.94 and 1.15.
What has Charles Carrera (FA) done to be the hardest working senator? He had almost perfect attendance at the plenary sessions, signed 24 bills, 4 draft resolutions, 5 draft declarations and 9 draft communication minutes (total 42). He spoke 95 times, made 17 oral and/or written presentations, was a commission reporter 15 times (14 on behalf of the Administrative Affairs Commission and 1 on behalf of the Constitution and Legislation Commission) and presented 110 requests for reports.
The first in Deputies
The hardest working deputy is Gustavo Olmos (FA) with an average z-score of 3.24, closely followed by Daniel Caggiani (FA) with an average of 3.15. Further behind are Lucía Etcheverry (FA), Juan Rodríguez (PN), Nibia Reisch (PC), Alfonso Lereté (PN), Iván Posada (PD), Cecilia Bottino (FA), Felipe Schipani (PC) and Felipe Carballo ( FA).
What has Gustavo Olmos (FA) done to be the hardest working deputy? He had perfect attendance at the plenary sessions, signed 36 bills, 12 draft resolutions and 9 minutes of communication (total 57). He spoke 83 times, made 15 oral and/or written presentations, was a commission informant 3 times (once by the Treasury Commission, another by the Expenditure Investigator of the Ministry of Tourism and finally another in the minority by the Integrated Budget Commission with Treasury) and submitted 149 requests for reports.
the worst
According to the University table, Senator Gonzalo Civila (FA) and Deputy Miguel Irazábal (PN, Durazno) are the ones with the lowest score in their respective Chambers.