July 28, 2022, 12:56 PM
July 28, 2022, 12:56 PM
The Prosecutor’s Office requests the house arrest of the governor of Potosí, Jhonny Mamanifor the case of 41 ambulances and notices an economic damage of 1,435,000 bolivianos, equivalent to the contract compliance policy.
The charge issued by The Public Ministry warns of the risk of flight and obstruction of the processdue to the fact that an official of the departmental administration would have induced to regularize the signatures of some of the members of the qualification commission.
“The obstruction in the present investigation is noticed, because, an official of the Departmental Autonomous Government of Potosí would have induced to regularize the signatures of some members of the qualification commission, a situation that proves the concurrence of procedural risk ”, details the document of the Prosecutor’s Office.
Regarding the situation of the governor, the imputation warns that he does not have a precise address in the Imperial Villa“warning a flight risk that not only hinders the development of the process but also any notification by the Judicial Branch.”
Likewise, it maintains that Mamani, being the highest departmental authority, awarded the contract to the company ‘Estefals Logistics’, “without it meeting the required technical specifications”, recorded the reception of the ambulances without their being physically in Potosí and then voided the agreement, 22 days after its breach, without issuing penalties or executing the guarantee policy.
According to the Prosecutor’s assessment, the governor incurred the crime of resolutions contrary to the Constitution and the Lawsamong other criminal types in which four other representatives of the departmental administration are mentioned.
In the hearing of precautionary measures, the Public Ministry will request, in addition to house arrest, that the accused appear once a week to sign a biometric record, the prohibition to communicate with certain people involved in the case, a bond and arraigo.