Home South AmericaColombia The Prosecutor’s Office investigates illegal espionage in the judicial branch of Colombia

The Prosecutor’s Office investigates illegal espionage in the judicial branch of Colombia

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La Fiscalía investiga el espionaje ilegal en la rama judicial de Colombia

The high courts rejected the alleged tricks.
The High Courts rejected the alleged tricks.

News Colombia.

The Attorney General’s Office has initiated an investigation following complaints about possible illegal interceptions of the Constitutional Court.

Luz Adriana Camargo, attorney general, announced last Friday, June 21, the opening of this investigation after receiving reports from magistrates about alleged tricks and illegal surveillance of one of the Court’s offices.

Reaction of the high courts

The four High Courts of Colombia have expressed their unanimous rejection of the alleged illegal interceptions denounced by Judge Jorge Enrique Ibáñez.

He stated that, in addition to him, his wife and some assistant magistrates have been victims of these illegal practices carried out by State intelligence agencies.

In a statement, the Judicial Branch stated: “We vehemently reject the facts revealed to public opinion and the authorities, since, if verified, they put the independence of the Judicial Branch at risk and constitute a serious affront to Colombian democracy and the security of the judges and magistrates who administer justice.

Requests to the government and the prosecutor’s office

The presidents of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Constitutional Court, the Council of State and the Superior Council of the Judiciary have requested guarantees from the National Government for the exercise of their judicial functions.

Likewise, they asked the Attorney General’s Office to quickly carry out the necessary investigations to clarify this situation, which directly affects Judge Ibáñez, his wife and his work team.

The Prosecutor’s Office summoned Judge Ibáñez to detail the alleged interceptions and provide, if available, the evidentiary material.

Statement by President Gustavo Petro

President Gustavo Petro has rejected allegations that his government is involved in these cheating practices.

«From the first day of Government, the president’s order to the intelligence agencies is not to use it against the opposition, press or Cortes. “I have been explicit that State intelligence is dedicated to the pursuit of major crime,” declared Petro, adding that the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI) does not have equipment to intercept private communications.

It should be noted that this case brings to mind the scandal of the chuzadas during the government of Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010).

During that period, it was discovered that the Administrative Department of Security (DAS) had installed microphones in the Supreme Court of Justice and had intercepted the communications of judges, journalists and opponents.

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice convicted Bernardo Moreno, former Secretary of the Presidency, and María del Pilar Hurtado, former head of the DAS, for these events.

In 2017, Jorge Noguera, former director of the DAS, was convicted of carrying out interceptions and surveillance without judicial authorization.

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