Through the Area of Illicit Enrichment and Constitutional Complaints of the Attorney General’s Office, a request has been made to the President of the Republic, Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra, refer, within 24 hoursthe documents that certify the state of health that motivated her to undergo surgery on her nose and the 91 original regulations that she claims to have signed between June 28 and July 9, 2023. This is due to the statements provided on Monday January 13 in the investigation being followed for the alleged crime of omission of duties and abandonment of position to the detriment of the State, having undergone a surgical intervention without properly informing the Congress of the Republic.
We consulted with the former attorney, Antonio Maldonado, who assured that Boluarte has the duty to collaborate with the Public Ministry and, based on that, it should be evaluated whether to formulate an accusation or archive the case. Likewise, he pointed out that the president is protected by article 117 of the Constitution, so the Legislature must authorize the preparatory investigation to begin, meanwhile the political pretrial cannot begin.
“If said information is not delivered, at least one of the following two things will occur: at the time of concluding the investigation, the Public Ministry will evaluate said conduct, in harmony with other elements of information that it has collected, and, Depending on the set of information, you may have strengthened your research hypotheses or, if not, you must assess whether or not there are sufficient elements of conviction to take your case to the next phase, that is, evaluate whether you are going to file an accusation or archive the case. Separate merit is the question procedural, since as we know the president is protected by the anachronistic article 117 of the Constitution and to move to the preparatory phase (…) authorization or approval of Congress is required, which as we know has abdicated its constitutional duties in its desire to protect Mrs. Boluarte,” declared for La República.
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It is worth remembering that his former prime minister, Alberto Otarolawas the one who announced the news before the Parliamentary Oversight Commission and although he assured that the president did not abandon her duties and that the operation was due to respiratory problems, it unleashed questions and criticism from the population. “As is public knowledge, the president actually underwent a surgical procedure on the indicated dates,” he told the parliamentarians.
According to a journalistic report, minutes of the Council of Ministers of July 5 and 7, 2023, which were carried out remotely and are being investigated, it can be noted that President Boluarte’s signature looks different from her usual signature. , that document declared a state of emergency in several districts of Moquegua.
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Dina Boluarte went to the Prosecutor’s Office to testify about nose surgery
President Boluarte testified for more than 4 hours before the Prosecutor’s Office last Monday, January 13, about the surgical intervention she underwent in mid-2023, which resulted in her not participating in official activities for 12 days. In a message to the Nation, he assured that his surgery was not for aesthetic purposes, but for health. Furthermore, he promised to waive his right to confidentiality to prove his words.
The statements were taken by the National Prosecutor, Delia Espinoza; Initially, the summons was scheduled for January 2; However, the president through her defense requested that the appointment that ended up taking place on January 13 before the Specialized Area of Illicit Enrichment and Constitutional Complaints be rescheduled. It should be remembered that Boluarte had to testify again on January 15 at 9 in the morning but it was confirmed that it was being rescheduled for Wednesday, January 29.
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Boluarte’s lawyer justified that the president slept in the clinic
At the end of his statement at the Prosecutor’s Office, at approximately 3 in the afternoon, the president’s lawyer, Juan Portugal, told the press that the operation lasted 40 minutes on the night of June 28, 2023 and was the result of a malfunction. nasal.
“The President of the Republic made use of her hours of sleep like any human being on Earth. The intervention lasted between 40 to 50 minutes with local anesthesia. There was no state of unconsciousness, there was at no time a lack of lucidity. nor of the president’s decision from beginning to end in the intervention. Therefore, given the irrelevance, the postoperative period was carried out on medical recommendation on an outpatient basis and made use of the night’s rest,” he indicated.
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