Once the draw is over, each of the three candidates, in strict alphabetical order determined by their first surname, will appear in a maximum time of five minutes before the Plenary Court, to expose the points that they consider most outstanding of their work plan.
In addition, they will answer the questions formulated by each of the Ministers. In the same session, once the phase of appearances and answering questions has concluded, the Counselor will be elected.
To do this, each minister will deliver to the secretary general of agreements to be deposited in a transparent ballot box, the white card indicating the name of the candidate who, according to their criteria, should be appointed to occupy the position of Counselor of the Federal Judiciary.
The scrutineers will successively read each card aloud and hand them over to the general secretary of agreements, who will place them on the table in order by name. At the end, the general secretary of agreements will report out loud how many votes each of the candidates obtained.
If a candidate reaches eight votes or more, she will automatically obtain the right to be appointed director and therefore the selection process will be concluded.
But, if none of the three candidates reaches a qualified majority of eight votes or more, there are several mechanisms, including if there is a tie, until the winner is obtained.
The minister president will make the respective declaration and will take the protest to the chosen one, moment from which his constitutional period in office will begin.